

The History: The Russian revolution began in 1917. At this time there were two revolutions going on in Russia.   One was the February Revolution in which the Tsar abdicated his throne and the Provisional Government took power. The other was the October Revolution in which the Provisional Government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks. The first major event to start this revolution was the  February Revolution. The fuel behind this upset was the Tsar and common people such as landowner, also the ongoing key factors such as the treatment of peasants and poor working conditions. This revolution  consisted of woman and men leaving their jobs to protest against this key factors. Tsar Nicolas ordered the military to stop this protest but come to find that they were no longer loyal to him. However, they did join the protesters against Tsar Nicolas. Faced with his untenable situation the Tsar gave up his throne. After this Russia was left without a head of state. This is where Vladimir  Lenin comes back into the picture.(Nb. By the Julian Calendar used in Russia at the time, the revolution took part in November 1917, and is therefore often referred to as the November Revolution). Lenin returned to Russian in 1917. He spent most of the 20th century traveling and working. He came to Russian with a warm welcome to take over. Lenin tried to start another revolution the likes of which had taken place in February, with the aim of overthrowing the Provisional Government. He planned to overthrow the Provisional government and replace them with Bolsheviks. To do so he organized a group of twelve party leaders and tried to persuade them that a revolution was required. Despite receiving the backing of only 10 of them plotting went ahead. On October 24th Lenin made the troops loyal to the Bolshevik party. Despite being allowed to seize power so easily Lenin soon discovered that his support was far from absolute. His Peace Policy with the Germans was particularly unpopular as it ceded large amounts of Russian territory. This is when Stalin took over. 

The Book: 
This book is based of of these historical events.There are a lot of representations in this novel called allegory  In this novel Snowball the pig represents Trotsky, Napoleon represents Stalin. Orwell used allegory to represent the communist leaders in his short novel, Animal Farm.