Satire is defined as: a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn.

Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is a satirical allegorical fable that criticizes the ideals of communism and demonstrates how communism eventually leads to dictatorship through portraying farm animals as a working class society. Orwell picks fun at the Communist leaders of Soviet Russia by turning Stalin, Trotsky and Lenin into talking pigs. The pigs soon take over the farm, making it a totalitarian style of leadership (the government has power over everyone and everything). Orwell uses satire to show the harsh realities of Communism, and how it affects innocent people (or animals). The sheep represent the "blind followers" that did or said anything their communist leaders told them to do. The dogs represent the vicious army that Stalin (Snowball) raised to attack when needed.  Mollie and Benjamin represent the people who were against communist, they both had different view points from the pigs. Mollie left the farm to find a better life, as did many Russian who left their home country to escape Communism.